
Land Clearing in Southern and Central Maine. Also serving select sites in New Hampshire and Massachusetts.
We are a veteran-owned business that provides forestry mulching and land-clearing services in southern and central Maine and surrounding counties. We are your one-stop solution for all your land clearing needs. Whether it be stump grinding, brush removal, or clearing vast acres of land, we are here to help you tackle your project safely and affordably.
If you’re not sure where to begin, we’re happy to guide you through your land-clearing project - start to finish! Alternatively, if you already know what you need, we’re happy to follow existing plans.
Perhaps you’re preparing to build a new home and you need your lot cleared quickly and professionally. Don’t let unwanted habitat overwhelm you! We can easily rid your property of trees, brush, and grass so your project can proceed on-time and on-budget. Moreover, we can clear areas along waterfronts or over treacherous terrain to leave you with a clean, clear, beautiful expanse of land.
Our seasoned professionals have years of experience clearing thousands of acres of land for a variety of uses in Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts.
Unlike many stump removal companies, we only grind a few inches below grade and let nature decompose the stump. Soil health is improved not by pulling the stumps, rather letting nature take its course! Our “green” approach to tree and stump removal makes for better soil and greatly contributes to carbon sequestering.
We use top-of-the-line machinery to cut up tree limbs, branches, and trunks into wood chips. Wood chips make great organic mulch that can suppress weed growth, maintain water in your soil, and regulate soil temperatures. If you prefer, we can remove the chips from your property altogether.
Invasive species management help minimize the harm of invasive species on natural lands and encourage the health of native plants and wildlife. We can help identify and remove invasive species from farmland, pastures, forests, and yards.
Most management of Scrub Oak is through chemical or mechanical methods. We can manually remove branches with a chainsaw, loppers, or other equipment, and develop a plan to manage growth moving forward.
We can effectively eradicate Kudzu Bittersweet, Black Locust, and Bamboo with a combination of mechanical control via cutting/removal with chemical herbicide management.
We can effectively eradicate invasive species that are common to the northeast by mechanical control via cutting and removal or with chemical herbicide management.

Preparing pastures and farmland in Southern and Central Maine. Also serving select sites in New Hampshire and Massachusetts.
Overgrown pastures are not a lost cause! Our experienced team in Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts can transform your overgrown pasture into productive land again. We use best-in-class forestry mulching equipment to cut and grind vegetation into mulch. This method of pasture reclamation prevents the need to burn or haul large piles of vegetation as is common using other land-clearing methods.
Farmland Conversion
If you’re ready to convert your agricultural land, give us a call. We can work with you to prepare your property for cultivation of the soil, planting crops, growing trees including harvesting of produce or any other use you have in mind.
Topsoil Tilling and Conditioning
Tilling is the practice of aerating the soil to permit moisture and air to permeate, allowing seeds to germinate, encouraging root growth, controlling weed growth, and integrating fertilizers into the soil.
Livestock Farming Expansion
If you’re looking to expand your pasture or prepare it for livestock, we can assist with converting uncultivated land, including natural forests, woodlands, grasslands and wetlands into crop or grazing land.
Horse Pasture Preparation and Reseeding
We can work with you to prepare a beautiful pasture, perfect for healthy horses. You’ll know it’s time to reseed once you start seeing bare spots and weeds -it is imperative to reseed in the late summer or early spring. To prepare for seeding, we’ll test the soil to determine if lime and fertilizer should be applied. The current state of the pasture should be evaluated to determine whether to start over completely or to overseed. We can also help you establish a rotational grazing system, which allows the pasture time to rest between grazing. It is also important to maintain consistent weed control in order keep the pasture in good condition.
Developing Agriculture, Permaculture and Silviculture
We are nature enthusiasts, and we strive to take a “green” approach to everything we do. We can work with you to develop agricultural ecosystems on your property in a self-sufficient and sustainable way. This is known as Permaculture.
Permaculture draws inspiration from nature to develop synergetic farming systems based on crop diversity, resilience, natural productivity, and sustainability. Derived from the phrase “permanent agriculture,” permaculture is the design of diverse and resilient agriculture systems that mirror natural systems in their ability to regenerate and adapt to changes in the environment.
By contrast, agriculture is the practice of cultivating the soil, producing crops, and raising livestock and in varying degrees the preparation and marketing of the resulting products.
Silviculture is the practice of controlling the establishment, growth, composition, health, and quality of forests and woodlands to meet the diverse needs and values of landowners and society such as wildlife habitat, timber, water resources, restoration, and recreation on a sustainable basis.
Farm Expansion
If you’ve recently purchased or are leasing land in Southern Maine, Central Maine, New Hampshire, or Massachusetts to increase your farm production, we can help you prepare your property for optimum production.
Fence Line Clearing
Don’t agonize over clearing your fence line- give us a call to quickly and safely handle it for you. Fence line clearing involves removing weeds, brush, bushes, and thickets of overgrowth that cover your fences. It is careful, meticulous work, as the excess plant material usually grows around and in between both sides of your fence. It requires patience to safely remove that overgrowth without damaging your fences, and it’s one of our specialties.
Vegetation Management
We specialize in helping prevent wildfire ignitions and fire spread. With proper vegetation management - removing or modifying live and dead vegetation to reduce the potential spread of fire – we can help keep your property safe from the devastation of severe wildfires.
If you’ve got property in southern Maine, central Maine, New Hampshire, or Massachusetts, and are looking to make logged land improvements – give us a call. We can prepare and improve your land for a variety of agricultural and non-agricultural uses.
Other Services for Pastures & Farming
- Orchard Conversion
- Christmas Tree Site Conversions

Homesteading is much more than owning a home – it’s about utilizing and caring for the land around the home. We work with homesteaders in Southern and Central Maine. Also serving select homesites in New Hampshire and Massachusetts.
The prospect of clearing land for a homestead can be daunting, but there are many benefits to purchasing these types of lands. For one, uncleared lands are often less expensive than pre-cleared lots, which makes them a great investment. Secondly, you can clear your lot to suit your needs, whether it be for farming, building your home, hiking or hunting.
Don’t tackle your new driveway alone! When it’s time to smooth out your parcel of land before building the driveway, call our experienced team to dig out stumps and grass, fill in potholes, cover up muddy areas and more.
Whether you’re building an ATV course for fun or for function, we’ve got you covered! Our team will assess the terrain and draft a detailed plan for your custom course - keeping in mind runoff channels, your desired speed of travel, and accessibility to-and-from the course. We use heavy equipment to cut wide straight paths that are easy to navigate. Our goal is to maximize the experience for riders while maintaining a safe and easy-to-maintain trail system.
If you have an existing ATV course that needs to be repaired or maintained, we’re happy to help. We’ll survey the current condition of your trail and focus on areas that need improvement. Our team will move trees, regrade trails, trim brush, repair bridges, etc. as needed to guarantee a smooth ride!

Preparing and maintaining hunting lands in Southern and Central Maine. Also serving select hunting sites in New Hampshire and Massachusetts.
We’ll help you turn your property into a hunter’s paradise. Even smaller properties of 100 acres or fewer can be transformed into hunting havens with a little time and planning. A good way to give deer the security they need is to plant evergreens, such as pines. We’ll work to improve open forests by removing old, dying or pest-infested trees and we’ll create food plots that will keep your deer happy and healthy.
Are you looking to create a dynamic wildlife refuge on your property? We work with landowners to create successful food plots to attract and maintain healthy populations of wildlife on your property. We’ll determine your main objectives to establish the right kind of plot. Will your food plots be used to improve wildlife management; increase carrying capacity or develop a serene wildlife viewing area? Your food plot goals will help us determine the size and shape of the food plot as well as the planting materials.
We can help manage tick populations by clearing and widening woodland trails to avoid exposure to questing ticks. We can trim branches and shrubs to allow for more sunlight and to help facilitate dry, hot conditions that are less suitable for tick survival and tick hosts. We’ll also keep grassy and weedy areas trimmed and neat!
Flail Mowing utilizes heavy machinery to cut through thick, rough, tangly material like bramble and heavy bush. Perfect for heavy grasses and scrub, flail mowing is a more powerful alternative to traditional mowing.
Other Services for Suburban Life
- Field Reclaiming
- Trail Development
- Subdivision Preparation
- Playground Preparation
- Golf Course Maintenance
- Yard Expansion
- Roadside Maintenance
- Tilling Brush Bushes Branches and Vines into Mulch and Topsoil
- Tree Cutting Using a Tree Cutter
- Soil Conservation
- Deer Shooting Lane Grinding

Wood Chipper
A woodchipper is a machine used for reducing wood (generally tree limbs or trunks) into smaller wood chips.
Storm Damage Clean Up
When storm damage is mild or moderate, the cleanup will usually involve removing fallen branches or limbs. Hanging branches will be carefully taken out of the tree. And broken branches may need to be pruned to improve the tree’s appearance, limit access for insect pests and disease (proper pruning helps trees heal faster), and prevent future safety issues.
In the event of more severe damage, such as a major split in the trunk or loss of a significant portion of the canopy, an entire tree might need to be removed. And, if a tree has fallen or is leaning, it obviously should be removed as well.
Tree Trimming
Tree trimming can promote healthy growth for the tree and provide a better aesthetic for the landscape. We can provide recommendations for what type of trimming is appropriate - considering the species of tree, land usage and local restrictions.
Forestry Mastication
Forest mastication is a mechanical treatment that changes how forest vegetation burns during a wildfire. It rearranges the vegetation by chopping it into smaller pieces and spreading it out over the ground. Instead of having tall shrubs or young trees with their canopy touching, you “chew” them up and spread them out on the forest floor. This reduces the wildfire flame length when it burns through your property. Shorter flame lengths are easier to put out than tall flame lengths and pose less of a risk of turning into a crown fire.
Brush Cutting With A Brush Cutter and Chipper
Brush cutting and chipping is essentially the removal of vegetation and other obstacles from a plot of land. If a property hasn't been used in a long time, it will often become overgrown with local weeds, grasses, and even groupings of small trees.
Logging Mess Cleanup
Logging mess cleanup eliminates unsightly logging residue left after your property has been logged. Stumps are mowed down to ground level leaving nature to decompose them for healthier soil. Once we’re done with the cleanup, your property will be free of debris and ready for use or enjoyment.
Snowmobile Association Maintenance
We proudly offer Snowmobile Association trail maintenance in southern Maine, central Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. We utilize various brush clearing techniques to ensure the proper functionality of snowmobile trails.
Wood Chipping
Wood Chipping is the mechanized conversion of wood (especially trunks and branches of felled trees) to woodchips.
Forest Conversion
Forest conversion is the clearing of natural forests (deforestation) to use the land for another purpose, often agricultural, but not necessarily. Give us a call if you’re looking to convert a forest in central Maine, southern Maine, New Hampshire or Massachusetts.
Forestry Mulcher
Forestry mulching is a land clearing method that uses a single machine to cut, grind, and clear vegetation. A forestry mulching machine, also referred to as a forestry mulcher, forest masticator, or brushcutter, uses a rotary drum equipped with steel chipper tools ("teeth") or blades to shred vegetation.
Forestry Mower
The forestry mower is a machine in the form of a skid steer with an attachment capable of cutting down trees and brush less than 6’’ in diameter.
Forestry Mowing
Forestry Mowing is an environmentally responsible way to clear your land of small trees and begin the process of eliminating invasive species. The forestry mower cuts down trees and brush less than 6" in diameter then leaves the shredded mulch on the forest floor.
Forestry Mulching & Tilling
Forestry mulching and tilling is a land clearing method that uses a single machine to cut, grind, and clear vegetation.
Land Mulcher
A land mulcher is a go-to attachment when your goal is to clear land quickly. It is designed to topple and grind logs, trees, and thick brush.
Tree Logging
Tree logging entails cutting down trees and removing them to sell for timber or pulp.
Tree Harvesting
Tree harvesting is the practice of cutting the entire above-ground portion of a tree and removing it from the forest. The different parts of the tree are used for different purposes – the trunk is often sawn into dimensional lumber, while the tree top and limbs can be chipped and sold to a biomass energy plant.
Weed Control
The five types of weed control include: Preventative, cultural, mechanical, biological, and chemical. Because we are familiar with all types of weeds, we can recommend the best type of weed control for your property.
Preventative weed control involves any method that keeps the land free from weeds to begin with. This includes using certified weed free seed, using weed free hay, cleaning farm equipment between use and screening irrigation water to eliminate the traveling of weed seeds.
Cultural weed control involves any method that lowers that chance of weed seed development. This includes crop rotation, sustaining prolific soil, steering clear of overgrazing, and using appropriate forage species.
Mechanical weed control involves any method that uses farm equipment to manage weeds. This includes tilling and mowing.
Biological weed control involves any method that uses the weed’s natural adversary to kill it and stop its spread.
Chemical weed control involves any method that applies a chemical on the weeds or soil to eliminate the growth and spread of weeds.
Other Wood Chipper Services
- Chainsaw Work
- Property Line Improvement
- Bush-Hogging With A Bush Hog
- Survey Line Grinding
- Forestry Management
- Arborist Services
- Brush Mower
- Field Mowing